Lord, thank you for the reminder that even Mary was scared and questioned when the angel appeared to her, but soon she recognized the will of God and stood strong.
Sometimes I wonder about the opposition she must have faced. I think about how she watched her son be scourged and crucified - the agony - the heartbreak she must have felt. We never really learn about her thoughts, actions, and feelings though. It seems to me, when I think about the wedding in Cana and how she directs the servants to do what Jesus tells them to that she had a clear understanding that God was in control. She not his servant, but a strong pillar from which He grew.
And, so today I pray to be more like Mary, the Mother of Christ. I pray that my trust in God never waiver. I pray that in times of doubt and trial that I can learn how to turn my life over to Him as quickly as Mary did and be at peace. I pray that I learn to love stronger and be more disciplined in extending God’s mercy and I am incredibly grateful for this gift of solitude knowing, in these moments of quiet, God is there.
Thank you Lord for an incredible day!
Ya’ll have a beautiful day!
All My Love,
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