My grandmother would have turned 98 today! I wrote this poem just a few days after her passing in 2008 and happened upon it as I was going through a box of memorabilia today. Words could never do justice to the beautiful woman she was, but hopefully these will provide a small glimpse.
Every Now and Again we will feel your touch in the gentle breeze.
Every now and again we will hear your voice whisper of the wind.
Every now and again we will see your face in our mind’s eye.
Every now and again we will know that you are with us.
Every now and again we will know that you are okay.
Every now and again I will remember:
Running in the ditch towards you as you waited by that ‘ol corner post.
Watching you salt your big ‘ol slice of watermelon.
Your strawberry shortcakes and lemon meringue pie.
Dancing at Garner State Park.
Watching you and Ms. Kaminski as you both flailed and floundered to get
the “Big Red” out of the water.
Bologna and tomato sandwiches.
Coconut cake
A new dress or maybe two for every special occasion.
Hair fixed just so and nails always painted.
Lipstick and rouge.
Seeing you pray a novena.
Handing me a St. Christopher medal to keep me safe as I drive.
Seeing your smirk when someone said something you didn’t quite agree with.
Calling Grandpa to come kill a snake, but watching as YOU walked through the ditch with a shovel in one hand and a gun in the other – What a sight!
Seeing you pick vegetables in the garden.
Eating butter and grape jelly toast.
Oranges and peanuts.
Picking a pear for each of us off the tree and enjoying it on the back porch.
Hearing you say “Daddy, can’t you smoke that thing somewhere else?”
Watching you with excitement as you opened the front door to
welcome Santa in every Christmas Eve.
Hearing you sing “O Come All Ye Faithful”
Watching as you stood strong and carried feed or lifted meat trays.
Never afraid of work.
Watching you prepare coffee and dessert for a friend who stopped by.
Always hospitable and ready with cake.
Kissing Grandpa and holding his hand.
Every now and again we will feel your touch in the gentle breeze.
Every now and again we will hear your voice in the whisper of the wind.
Every now and again we will see your face in our mind’s eye.
Every now and again we will know that you are with us.
Always missing you.
Always loving you.
Happy Birthday Grandma! We love you!
All My Love,
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