Is there any other way to jump into the day?
When you smile the whole world smiles with you. When you love deeply and with intensity so does the world!
I laugh because I know.
The world certainly doesn’t always respond in the way in which we want. There is hurt and heartbreak, but at the end of the day when we can sit down in love we know it’s been a pretty good day.
No, not the kind of love that you get from another - certainly that is nice. Not even the kind of love that you give to another. Certainly loving others brings great joy.
The kind of love, I am speaking of, is the deep, deep love that you hold inside for yourself.
It’s the kind of love that drives you. Motivates you. It causes you to want to get up in the morning. It is the kind of love that you kindle and rekindle in your soul because you don’t ever want that relationship to burn out.
It’s the kind of love that makes you want to smile even when there’s nothing particular to smile about.
It’s the kind of love that holds you so incredibly tight and refuses to let go. It’s not a demanding or suffocating kind of love - but an intense love of self that says “No matter what, I’ve got you!” It says “No matter what, I am going to be here with you. Together we can do this.”
It’s the kind of love that causes you to want to dance, to want to sing. It’s the kind of love that drives you to your knees and makes you want to hold on tight. It’s the kind of love that stretches its arms wide open every morning and all day long and welcomes you in even after a long day!
It’s the kind of love that let’s you know everything is going to be okay!
Ya’ll have a beautiful day!
All My Love,
For more Jump into the Day with Jen click here.
