We all have nuggets of goodness, hope, and prosperity inside of us. They are there waiting to pop out! It seems though that for some they are blocked by walls of insecurity and doubt, barred in my loneliness and fear, suffocated by disbelief and disappointment, yet they are there screaming, yearning for us to tear off, break free. It would seem so easy to some, but for those who have experienced trauma so deep that it sinks into their very core, it takes months, sometimes even years and years of help before they can be free.
Jump into the Day with Jen is meant to remind us about those nuggets that we have inside and pull them forward, so that we begin to see them more and more, feel, touch and believe them. Believe that this is the life God wants for us. I think sometimes we convince ourselves that God wants us to live a life of pain and strife, but let’s think for a second… As a parent, is that the kind of life you would want for your child?
I am not sure about you, but I know that I want my children to feel happy, confident, excited about life and every opportunity that they are given. I want them to believe in themselves and those around them. I want them to understand and know and really feel that they are surrounded by love and that every decision they make comes from God. I want them to wake every morning knowing that this is the life God has planned for them and that they are deserving of everything He has for them. I want my children to have a life filled with love, laughter, and smiles --- so many smiles. I want them to share their stories and talk to one another, to hold hands, to dance in delight --- heck to dance in the rain even when they are 42.
As I write, the words from City of God by Dan Schutte play through my mind “let us build a city of God, may our tears be turned into dancing for the Lord our light and our love has turned the night into day.”
We are all children of God! I am certain that He wants us to build a city with Him. He wants the same for us as we want for our own children. A good life. A life filled with love. A life filled with hope. A life full of light. A life dancing with him, even in the rain.
Jump into the Day with all the love God has for you – let it fill your heart and surround you – breathe it in and SMILE! Have a blessed day all!
All my love,
To view the short introductory clip for Jump Into the Day with Jen – click here.