“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord” Psalm 27:14.
When you live with post-traumatic stress, finding the motivation to get out of bed can be difficult, but turning to God and scripture can take you far in your journey towards healing. Here are some suggestions for how to find more motivation and strength:
Give God space in your day: In those moments when you have been triggered it is best to have some activities written down and in place to help you get up and move. Keep a card or journal next to your bed with two or three reminders that will help you. Perhaps a novena, a favorite scripture, and a motivational quote or picture. One woman I know keeps a picture of her children near. It helps her to stay motivated and focused on God’s plan for her life. Having these reminders close at hand can help to draw us closer to God and provide a sense of confidence and strength.
Establish a routine: Go to bed at the same time each night. Get up at the same time each morning. Lay your clothes out the night before. Visualize what you will do the next day. Pack lunches the night before. Determine at least one focus for work and one for home. Write down your focus on a sticky note, so that you will see it in the morning.
Set Daily Goals: Start off with three simple tasks - get up, stretch, and smile. Stop to pray before you complete each task - rest if you need. Then go to the next task. Log and celebrate your success. Reflect on the work you were able to complete. Then plan ahead for the work you still need to do.
Self-Check: Carefully check your motivation. Sometimes it is connected to something that contradicts our spirit. Check in with yourself and your accountability partner to ensure your motivation comes from a peaceful source.
Celebrate the small wins: This will help to create a sense of accomplishment, which will give you the motivation to keep going. It will also allow you to track your progress, and stay on track to reach your goals. Taking the time to appreciate your successes and recognize your accomplishments can be a powerful motivator.
Creating a strong foundation and connection with God can help you face life's challenges. Having this peace and level of comfort also helps to keep you motivated and establish a peaceful rhythm in your day. It also serves as great motivation for change in places where we need it and helps to create a sense of satisfaction, knowing that we are steadily working towards our goals..
Thank You, God for the small victories today. Thank you for helping us to create a strong foundation. Bless us and strengthen us for the work that You have asked us to do. Thank You for the work that You are doing. Thank you for all the gifts that you have given to us. We are forever yours. Amen.
Thank you so much for joining us in prayer. Ya’ll have a beautiful day!
All My Love,
For more information about Get Strong with Jen! click here.
To view Lean Into PTSD - Day 16 of Prayer click here.
