Relationships can sometimes challenge our spirit, which is why constant, consistent prayer, and thanksgiving are necessary. It’s nice when we can have fun together, but of equal importance is to pause in between to allow Him space to work in your relationships.
Prayer, much like a toothpick does for food, holds us together. It keeps us from rolling away from things meant to help and compliment us. It helps us to touch up places in our heart that might need a little extra attention or love - much like you would use a toothpick to touch up a scratch or tiny space with paint.
Tiny spaces that need His gentle touch. The more we turn to Him the more “rivers of living water will flow from within [us]” John 7:38.
Finding peace in a relationship filled with constant criticism or the perception that one is being constantly criticized is hard to do.
Prayer covers a multitude of sins though. Even though we do not want to excuse hurtful or abusive actions, sometimes there is more power in the name of Jesus than any word we could speak or action we could take. When we enter into earnest prayer for ourselves and the other person, forgiveness can be reached and trust can even be restored.
It may take a while, but a peaceful place can usually be reached in relationships that are broken. This does not mean you have to go back to the relationship, just that you are moving forward with peace. Ways that forgiveness can begin:
Write a prayer earnestly requesting for peace and right thinking to be restored in the relationship.
Plan a time once a day to pray the prayer that you wrote and direct healing energy to the relationship.
See yourself and the other person having worked through the issue - handshake, hug and talking through the issues.
Isn’t that a huge relief? All you have to do is pray. Just lean into God and PRAY.
Lord, thank you so much for helping me to learn more about how to find forgiveness. Thank you for helping me learn to pray before I speak a word or move in any direction. Lord, thank you for showing me how you can move mountains and restore peace. Thank you for all the gifts that you have given to us. We are forever yours. Amen.
Thank you so much for joining us in prayer. Ya’ll have a beautiful day!
All My Love,
For more information about Get Strong with Jen! click here.
To view Lean Into PTSD - Day 19 of Prayer click here.
