As I sit down to write the song Girl by Maren Morrison comes to mind.
The lyrics “girl don’t you hang your head low --- don’t you lose your halo” remind me that we don’t need to live in guilt and shame. It's okay to be sad or frustrated or bummed out, but we don't need to stay there. Because everything is going to be okay. Back out of that door. Stand in the hallway and know that God’s got you wrapped. God’s got you covered. And, it’s all going to be okay.
Straighten your halo. Hold your head high. SMILE. Move forward today IN LOVE.
To finish Week 6 Of On Fire For Life in prayer and thanksgiving click here.
Ya’ll have a beautiful day!
All My Love,
To view On Fire For Life| Week 6 Day 4| Opening a Door click here.
To view the On Fire for Life series click here.
