Heavenly Father, we need a healing so great and powerful that only you can provide.
Lord, you have shown mercy on us, your people, from generation to generation.
Your mercy is endless and your treasury inexhaustible.
We ask you Lord, to light a fire in the hearts of your people, so bright and so beautiful that no man can put it out.
We especially ask you to light a fire in the heart of (mention the person’s name who needs healing).
We pray to the Lord, that your healing energy, light, and love burn so brightly through them, through their body that all their pain, all their hurt be turned to ash and whisked away with your healing grace and mercy.
We ask you Lord, to intercede with Mary, Jesus’s mother and Queen of Heaven and Earth on behalf of (mention the person’s name). Fly to their protection Lord!
We trust You Lord and seek to lift your name on high. Because by Your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
O Divine Child of Jesus - Have Mercy on Us
Our Lady of Guadalupe - Pray for Us
Our Lady of Perpetual Help - Pray for Us
St. Therese the Little Flower - Pray for Us
St. Bernard - Pray for Us
St. Michael the Archangel - Defend us in Battle
O Sacred Heart of Jesus - Have Mercy on Us
Holy God, Mighty God, God Immortal - Have Mercy on Us
Keep in mind, that God works in ways we do not always understand. When you pray for healing it may, at first, not look like anything is happening and God's plan for healing may look different from what you had hoped. Continue to pray and visit with Him. If anything you will find healing in His grace and mercy and it will bring you closer to Him and closer to peace.
Ya’ll have a beautiful day!
All My Love,
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